Welcome to Virtual Girl for OS/2 distribution web site
Virtual Girl for OS/2
Some News - System Requirements - Down Load

Virtual Girl for OS/2 it is an analog of Virtual Girl for Windows by www.virtuagirl.com.

Because Virtual Girl it is a very cool thing, and OS/2 operation system it is very cool thing too.

I've decided to research format of animation files of Virtual Girl for Windows, and to create

analog of Virtual Girl but for OS/2 operation system.

Actually i didn't plan to release my analog until it will be done completely, but first man who

saw first version were so impressed, and i decide to show it for all OS/2 users.

Virtual Girl for OS/2 is absolutely free.

To authors of Virtual Girl for Windows. I'll be very glad if you will contact with me and support
developing of Virtual Girl for OS/2

Virtual Girl for OS/2 Logo Preview

OS/2 Warp 4 (latest fix pack it's only better) or higher. Probably it will run on Warp 3 too, i don't know.

For the best performance you better have Pentium II 400Mhz.

Minimally you must have Pentium 200Mhz.

Why Pentium? because Virtual Girl for OS/2 optimized for Pentium, and computers lower than

Pentium it's not a computers anymore.

Here you can down load that latest version of Virtual Girl for OS/2 that i placed on this site. :)

Virtual Girl for OS/2 1.0 first beta (August 2001) - 222Kb - It was just a preview, and it's gone. But i still have a copy. (too old)
Virtual Girl for OS/2 1.0 second beta (September 2001) - 271Kb - ZIP archive you can find on www.os2.spb.ru, or on hobbes.nmsu.edu(oldest)

Virtual Girl for OS/2 1.0 (third alpha) (November 2001) - 430Kb - ZIP archive. (gone)

Virtual Girl for OS/2 1.0 (third beta) (December 2001) - 429Kb - ZIP archive. (dead)hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/apps/graphics/animate

Virtual Girl for OS/2 1.0 (fifth alpha) build 1 (December 2001) - Anti-Blinking patch, third beta installation required - 127Kb - ZIP archive (dead)

(Animation files that contain first and second beta not compatible with third alpha or higher versions, so if you upgrading old version - be sure to remove or replace all old animation files)

Latest DEBUG build (vg2.zip) 180kb (Previous beta instalation required, try to download third beta from hobbes)

*Beta means that this version has been tested and released.
*Alpha means that this version hasn't been released, and this is not good tested build that placed here just for backup. :)

UNZIP.EXE - ZIP unpacker for OS/2 - 88Kb.

07.12.2001 - Third beta - released. But without last visual effect. :) I released third beta because I'm not sure that will i have internet access next week.

What's new? A lot of fixes, and new background detection engine, like in Windows version - but still ugly. Within next few days I'll will up load all additional packs including new 7th,8th and 9th additional packs, total size of all packs around 12Mb. So, don't forget to visit this page. :)

08.12.2001 - So, I've uploaded all packs. hope you like it. Next version will be in new year, so see ya there. :)

Hope Admin of www.chat.ru will not kill this page. so if someone can mirror this page i will appreciate and very thankful to this man.

By the way, the Christmas and New Year is coming, well - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for everybody. :)

12.12.2001 - New alpha, Anti-Blinking fix. Girls are not blinking anymore. :) And new #10 pack - Eva & Zofia, sexy lesbian couple, strongly recommended to down load.

Special Thanx to San for this animation file. :)

01.06.2002Hello everyone! I'm still exist! :) project is still alive. Coz of my Internet troubles I can't be here all time, so now I'm searching for a new location for the page, so... patience everybody! New Virtual Girl is coming!. :)

26.04.2003 - Hello again, I'm still alive. :) Sorry for looooooooooooooong delay, but had no time at all. What is the news? Well, my hard disk with OS/2 yesterday deside to get retired. Don't worry, all sources is ok, but now I don't have OS/2. When I will repaire my hard disk or find some new one, I promise that I'll release final version of Virtual Girl for OS/2. In the final version, everithing will be match with Virtual Girl for Windows, like Zooming and support original animation files of Virtual Girl for Windows, so you will be free to play any animation files you want. :)
Oh yeah! The site has been moved to http://www.vgirlos2.narod.ru, chat.ru is real sucks now. so, while you cannot download the latest beta, because of chat.ru, but because I cannot compile vg2 I've uploaded the latest debug build that I have. so you can watch what vg2 doing when its working, in the vg2debug.log. :)


Q&A (Some improvised questions from me to me, maybe could be interesting to somebody. :)
Q: What programming language and compiler are you using for writing Virtual Girl/2? :)

A: language - C++, software - GCC 2.8.1, hardware - Cel433, 160Mb, S3 Virge/DX/GX (not cool yeah? :)

Q: Will sources be released?

A: I don't know, and who knows. :)

Q: Will Virtual Girl/2 support animation files from Virtual Girl for Windows, or will some converter be released?

A: Till Release version - no. in Release - i think so. :)

Q: How long to wait for Release version?

A: I think not longer than half a year, maybe less.  if everything is will be fine, and i will have an internet connection.

Q: What about Virtual Guy for OS/2?

A: So, if some body want to have Virtual Guy/2 - see next question, and will help you to make it.

Q: Could you explain the theory of - How to make dancing girl on desktop at all?

A: Buy me a good beer. :)

 Last update: 22.08.2005
Хостинг от uCoz